A Child Visitation Lawyer in Commack, NY May Help Parents and Grandparents Spend Time With Their Children After a Divorce

by | Oct 16, 2015 | Lawyers

Studies have shown that children perform better in school and in life when they have an ongoing relationship with both of their parents. Unfortunately, many parents are so caught up in their own emotional trauma that they can’t see the benefits of helping their children maintain a positive relationship with their other parent. When this happens, the children almost always lose. With the help of a compassionate child visitation lawyer in Commack, NY, parents who are unable or unwilling to communicate with their former spouse may be able to set up a schedule that will allow them to take part in raising their children after a messy divorce.

Noncustodial parents aren’t the only ones who lose time with children after a divorce. Many times, grandparents see their grandchildren a lot less than they did when the couple was together. In very heated divorces, custodial parents might keep the children away from grandparents they love because they want to punish their former spouse. Grandparents caught in this situation may contact a child visitation lawyer in Commack, NY to help them petition the court for visitation time with their grandchildren. Courts often approve this time, especially when the grandparents had a strong relationship with the children prior to the divorce.

Except in rare cases, the noncustodial parent will be able to spend quality time with their children after a divorce. This time helps the children feel secure and know the divorce wasn’t their fault. It’s important for a noncustodial parent to be consistent in picking up the kids according to the schedule and for the custodial parent to allow their former spouse access to the children for these visits. Although it might be hard for the children to adjust to spending time in two different homes, it gets easier after the initial transition period. A lawyer may help a client understand what to expect after the initial visits and give tips on how to help their children adjust to their new lives. Whether the court orders a parent to facilitate visits with the other parent or grandparents, it’s essential for the custodial parent to comply with the order. Parents who believe such visits are not in their children’s best interest should click here to get in touch with an attorney who might help them appeal the court order.

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