Month: May 2016

How Can a Lawyer Help You?

When you get behind the wheel of a vehicle you are taking on a huge responsibility. By owning a vehicle you are required to obey the laws such as traffic laws, speed limits and make responsible decisions. Unfortunately, there are people who will try and get away with...

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What can I expect during a CDR

The Social Security Administration is required to review periodically the case of every person who is receiving Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits. This process is called a “continuing disability review” and is...

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Appealing a CDR Cessation

While it is uncommon, some Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) will result in a cessation. When this happens, you are threatened to lose the valuable benefits that help you lead a comfortable life while living with a disability. Thankfully, you have the right to...

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