What to Expect When Filing for Chapter 13 in Dayton OH

by | Nov 23, 2015 | Divorce and Custody

Debt is one of the biggest sources of stress most people face today. Credit card bills, medical bills and legal judgments can quickly pile up and leave a person feeling helpless. It is possible to get out from under a mountain of debt and get a fresh start. Filing for Chapter 13 in Dayton OH can eliminate debt and make it easier to make ends meet. While the idea of filing for bankruptcy can be frightening, an attorney can help by providing guidance through every step of the process. Before speaking to a bankruptcy attorney about how they can help, it is important to understand what is involved. This can make the process easier and allow the attorney to process items in a more timely manner.

Debt Evaluation : The first step is to evaluate all of the debt a person has. The attorney will request a copy of the filing person’s credit report to ensure that all of the bad dept can be added to the bankruptcy process. It is also important to list any assets that are owned, and to state the need to keep a home or vehicle that may also be listed on the report.

Submission of Documentation : The attorney will compile the forms that will be required to file for the bankruptcy. Be sure to read over them, and try to sign them as quickly as possible. Once the court receives the documentation a court date will be set. At this point of the process, companies may no longer attempt to contact the debtor to attempt to reclaim the money that is owed.

Court Appearance : After the documents have been submitted the county clerk will set a court date. It is required that the person filing be present, and the attorney will also be there to provide support during the hearing. The judge will require the person to swear under oath that they are not hiding assets, and that they are not expected to inherit any type of assets in the near future. The judge will then determine whether the person is eligible for bankruptcy.

Don’t let debt be a source of stress any longer. Contact the bankruptcy team at Albert and Krochmal law firm, and take the first step in reclaiming financial stability. They only practice Chapter 13 in Dayton OH, and and have helped individuals of all ages and backgrounds get relief from large amounts of debt.

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