Are you unable to work due to a mental or physical disability? Will it last for a year or more? If you answered yes to these questions, there is a good chance you could eligible to collect Social Security disability payments. Whether a claimant has worked a lot or a little in their life does not matter when they are disabled.
A Social Security lawyer in OK will review a claimant’s medical and earning history to determine whether they should apply for Social Security Disability (SSD), or Social Security Income (SSI). The attorney will only receive 25% of the past due benefits when the claimant is approved. The claimant will never have to pay any money out of their own pocket for legal representation.
Hiring an Attorney
It is always best when an individual contacts an attorney at the beginning of the process. This can reduce mistakes and the time it can take for SSD or SSI claim to be approved. It is also recommended that an individual applies for disability as soon as they are disabled.
Can an Individual Work?
Although an individual can work when they are disabled, it will reduce their chance of being approved. Even if an individual works a limited amount of hours, the Social Security Administration might consider the individual able to work and deny their claim.
How Long Does It Take to Be Approved?
The length of time to be approved for disability can vary. Some individuals are approved within two months, while others have to wait for two years. Delays can occur when there is missing information from a doctor or if the individual has to be seen by a doctor the Social Security Administration requests.
A denial of an application requires an individual to file for file reconsideration. A Social Security lawyer in OK will be available to help with the reconsideration process. The claimant only has 60 days to file. If the claimant loses the reconsideration, the process could take up to two years because it will have to be appealed to the federal court.
If you have been disabled, do not suffer financially. Feel free to visit for more information.