Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer in Newnan, GA about Your Medical Malpractice Claim

by | Apr 3, 2018 | Accident & Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have suffered an injury due to the negligence of a health care practitioner, you may have the evidence needed to file a medical malpractice claim in Georgia. Medical malpractice statutes enable litigants to sue doctors, nurses, or other healthcare professionals who cause them injury. Litigants who win these types of lawsuits are usually awarded compensation for the costs of their care as well as for their pain and suffering.

Determining the Standard of Care

If you wish to speak to a personal injury lawyer in Newnan, GA about a medical malpractice claim, it helps to research the subject or acquire a basic understanding of medical negligence first. Definitively, medical malpractice occurs when a medical provider such as a nurse or doctor fails to use a standard of care when treating a patient. A standard of care is based on the practices and standards used by medical professionals to treat patients. It is determined by such things as the patient’s health and age.

Speak to a Devoted Professional

If you plan to secure the services of a personal injury lawyer, he or she must show that a healthcare practitioner violated the standard of care when you were treated medically. Therefore, you need to talk to a legal professional who is experienced in handling medical negligence cases – someone who is devoted to ensuring the care of injured patients. Visit website for more details about the experienced personal injury lawyer in Newnan, GA.

The Statute of Limitations

To contact a personal injury lawyer about a medical negligence claim, you need to act fast. In Georgia, the statute of limitations for medical malpractice claims is two years from the time of the injury or death. Therefore, you cannot procrastinate. You need to contact a lawyer as soon as you are aware of the medical injury.

Who to Contact Online

To learn further details about personal injury law, visit a website such as to obtain contact information. If you want to cover the costs of your medical expenses and pain and suffering, you need to speak to a legal professional today.

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