Receive The Advice You Need From A Family Law Firm In Las Vegas NV

by | Feb 8, 2019 | Family Law

Family law cases are very difficult for the parties involved. Matters close to the heart have to be determined involving children, finances, and much more. When an individual is facing a divorce, child custody situation, or guardianship issue, they should receive the advice they need from a Family Law Firm in Las Vegas NV.

Complex divorce issues can have lasting ramifications. Poor choices of asset and liability division could hamper an individual’s financial future. Using one attorney for both parties is never recommended. A family law attorney will provide compassionate and objective insight into the family law situation.


When an individual understands the legal issues involved in their situation, they will be able to make an educated decision. A family law attorney will also help to formulate negotiation strategies based off of the information a client provides. The negotiation skills of an attorney are key to limiting the amount of time a client will spend in court.

Some divorces can be resolved in a collaborative process with mediation. Limiting the amount of adversarial tone early in the process can reduce the stress and strain of the situation. A family law attorney will make sure their client’s rights are never compromised and fully asserted at every stage of the process.

Child Custody

Neither parent has an advantage over the other one in a custody determination. The court views each parent as equal when determining custody. The court is only concerned about the best interest of the child and not what each parent may want for their child.

The court will assess the fitness of the parent and the interaction of the parent in the child’s life. Any history of domestic violence or substance abuse will be taken into consideration in the court’s decision. A Family Law Firm in Las Vegas NV will paint the parent in the best light possible to the court.

If you want to hire experienced legal representation for your family law case, contact Pintar Albiston LLP. They have many years of experience successfully representing clients in family law cases. The legal guidance they can provide will reduce the stress of your family law case. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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