Portland Lawyers For Veterans Disability Claims Are The Right Call In These Circumstances

by | Jan 6, 2020 | Attorney

If you are a veteran who has an outstanding disability claim, it goes without saying that you want to get a resolution to your issue as quickly as possible. If you find yourself in a situation where you have been denied a disability benefits claim, it might be time to bring in the services of a knowledgeable lawyers for veterans disability claims. These are some of the circumstances where this is the best course of action for you to take.

1. This Is A Short List of Some of the Conditions That Might Qualify You For Your Veterans Disability Claim
-Exposure to Radiation
-Amputated Limbs
-Injuries to the Spinal Cord
-Traumatic Brain Injury
-Hearing Loss
-Serious Burns
-Exposure to Agent Orange

2. If You Suffer From One of the Previously Mentioned Conditions and Have Been Denied Benefits
The previously listed conditions are ones that may well qualify you for your veteran’s disability claim. The process for receiving approval of these claims can be daunting at times and can also cause you a great deal of stress. If you suffer from any of these conditions, among others, and have been denied in your disability claim, then it might well be time to bring in the services of a knowledgeable lawyer for veterans disability claims.

We are proud to serve the veterans community here in the Portland region as lawyers for veterans disability claims. Our experience in this area of the law goes back more than two decades and our goal is to see that disabled veterans receive the judgments that they deserve in their disability claims. We are waiting to hear from you today so that we can answer your questions. Please contact us by phone at (800) 524-3339 or through our website today online at Jackson & MacNichol Law Offices.

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