Am I Entitled to Alimony After My Divorce in Rockford?

by | Dec 12, 2023 | Lawyer

Are you curious about whether you qualify for alimony after your divorce? Alimony refers to spousal support in the form of monthly payments that allow the supportive party in a marriage to maintain the lifestyle they contributed to before the divorce. Rockford divorce lawyers can explain more to you about alimony and what you’re entitled to.

Alimony in Illinois

Both men and women can file for alimony in Illinois. The money is made to bridge the income gap between two exes, especially when one party sacrifices in order to support someone in their career. However, you won’t qualify for alimony if you live with another partner, or if you signed a prenuptial agreement that specifically states that neither party will receive alimony in the case of divorce.

How Much Should I Expect in Alimony?

If you do qualify for alimony, you may be curious how much to expect each month. Each case is unique. The court will take several things into consideration, including:

  • Income
  • Expenses
  • Potential future earnings
  • Length of marriage

In most cases, Rockford divorce lawyers will negotiate the terms to agree on a settlement that’s fair to both parties.

Your ex will have the ability to file a petition to change the alimony agreement down the line if the situation changes for whatever reason.

Crosby & Crosby LLP Attorneys at Law

When you need a family law attorney, schedule a consultation with Crosby & Crosby LLP Attorneys at Law.

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